Room Parent Business: Free Printables for Room Moms

Room Parent Business - The business side of being a class parent - Free Printables for Room Moms

Room Parent Business is the paperwork side of volunteering to be the class mom (dad or grandparent). It is a wonderful opportunity to have a window into this portion of your child’s life by being part of the classroom occasionally. But there is also a commitment and responsibility that goes along with the fun experiences.

Perfect Pocket Folders for Room Parents

Staying organized is simple with poly envelopes. You can find ones with string or snap closures. I like these from Amazon (this pack comes in different colors), but you can also find them in your local Target. You will need them. You need a system to keep the forms that the parents turn in, to keep track of the donated funds, party planning, and receipts for everything you purchase for the classroom. The colors help if you are a room mom for more than one child or you volunteer for other programs in the elementary school.

Free Printables for Room Moms

Free Printables for Room Moms

When it comes to Room Parent Business, there are a few different forms that you should have on hand. I’ve created a couple of blank printables for you to use. Or feel free to use them as a base to create your own.

The first form should be sent home with the children during the first or second week of school. It gives them your name and the name of your co-room mom, if applicable, and they send the second page back with their information for your records. It gives a brief overview of volunteer opportunities because even though some of the adults want to be involved, there are time constraints. You want to give out as many offers as possible for helpers so that all of the grownups in the children’s lives get to have special experiences.

Room Parent Business: Print the Room Mom Introduction & Class Information Form as a Word Doc or as a PDF.

The second form is the one I always had trouble sending out. It is the Donation Request Form. It is best to send this out the week following your introduction form. Generally, you will need to ask for actual cash from every family twice a year to make sure you have a good base of money to plan for the parties and classroom events. A decade ago, it was a $14 ask each time. You and your child’s teacher will have to make a decision together on what to ask for now.

Room Parent Business: Print the Room Mom Donation Request form as a Word Doc or as a PDF.

Once you have the forms back from each family, it is time to input that information into a spreadsheet. You don’t want to be ruffling through every form to find the one parent who said they were interested in being a field trip chaperone. Or who to send a reminder out to because they haven’t donated their money yet. I have a basic class roster for you to print below.

Room Parent Business: Classroom Parent Information Spreadsheet

A few weeks into the school year, you should make an appointment with the teacher to go over the first half of the school year. Make sure to include any co-room parents. Each family’s donation should be in by then. This way, you will know how much you have to work with, and life will be so much easier if you can plan ahead. This is especially important if you work on other school volunteer programs.

If you are an experienced Room Parent, what do you do differently? What information are these forms lacking? What suggestions do you have for new room moms?

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