Melissa Graphics / Sig Tags

Melissa Sig Tag

Welcome to my collection of Melissa graphics. Are you a Melissa? I am and I have used these for emails, message boards, and social media. These “sig tags” (signature memes) are for personal use only, please. The digital cards below were assembled by truly talented tag creators using incredible artwork that they had permission or paid license to use in this manner

There are many, many Melissa Graphics on this page.

There are a few things you need to know before you scroll down. First, give the page time to load. There are so many Melissa sig tags here and it is going to take a few moments for all of them to show up. Secondly, please for all that you hold sacred, save these to your own device if you wish to use them. If folks start hotlinking them, I’ll have to take them down and that will make me sad. Last, but not least, please do not alter them in any way, shape, or form. It is especially vital that you keep the licensing information intact. For the pixel-painted ones, that info is in the file name, so please do not rename any of these when you save them to your device.

Melissa Signature Tag
Melissa Graphic
Melissa Signature Graphic
Melissa Image
Melissa Christmas
Melissa meme
Melissa tag
Melissa email graphic
Melissa message board tag
Melissa social media graphic
Melissa Sig Tag
Melissa signature tag
animate melissa
melissa dragon
Melissa Graphics
Melissa Graphics

When I have found the Melissa tags I created for myself, those will get posted separately. If you have any questions in regards to using any of the images above, please ask.

And if you are not a Melissa, then please let your favorite Melissa know about this page!

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